Online Coaching

Personal Training

Body Transformation Packages

Boutique Gym Membership

Training, coaching and health

5Star Physique Boutique Gym & Fitness Services

We offer a holistic approach to health and fitness, supporting all fitness levels and individual client needs to help them become their best selves.

Our services include gym memberships, top-tier equipment, training programs, personal training, body transformations, meal plans, and an infrared sauna. Our welcoming community is committed to helping clients achieve mental and physical health, strength, and confidence.

We celebrate our clients’ successes and happiness, making every day here rewarding and fulfilling!

Client Transformations

Services & Packages

Personal training, Body transformation challenges, Online coaching.

Boutique Gym Access

$15 casual visit, only available after initial consult with Personal Trainer.

  • Body Transformation Challenges
  • Training & Meal Plans
  • Personal Training
  • Online Coaching
  • NeuFit Training & Rehabilitation
  • Competition Preparation Coaching
  • 5Star Physique Boutique Gym Membership Available


Established in 2014 by Head Coaches Silvia Kovacsova and Daniel Fletcher, 5Star Physique coaching business expanded in 2020 with the opening of 5Star Physique Boutique gym in Brookvale on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

5Star Physique Founders

Daniel Fletcher

5Star Physique Co-Founder Arnold Australia Champion Master PT & Comp Prep Coach

Daniel is a multiple Australian and NSW Classic Physique Champion, as well as the Arnold Australia Classic Physique 2020 Champion. A personal trainer and competition prep coach since 2010, he is passionate about seeing clients achieve their goals.

Silvia Kovacsova

5Star Physique Co-Founder IFBB Professional Athlete Master PT & Comp Prep Coach

An IFBB Professional Figure Athlete, Silvia has been working as a personal trainer and competition prep coach since 2010. Silvia works with clients of all ages and fitness levels, and loves helping her clients transform their lives.

🏋️‍♂️💥 Nothing beats the combo of hard work and dedication at the gym! Each session, each set, each rep is more than just exercise—it’s a testament to our commitment to ourselves. It’s in these moments of pushing past our limits where we truly see what we’re made of, crafting not only stronger bodies but also stronger wills.

So, let’s celebrate the sweat, the grind, and the gains that shape us into who we are meant to be. Keep pushing, keep thriving, and let’s make every workout count! 🌟

#FitnessMotivation #WorkHardTrainHard #BuildYourself #GymDedication #StrengthAndWill #EarnedNotGiven #KeepPushing #personaltraining #onlinecoaching #boutiquegym

“Welcome to our @5starphysiquefitness private gym, where top-quality equipment meets a family-like community! 🏋️‍♂️💪

We believe in celebrating every step of your fitness journey, no matter how small, and our experienced personal trainers are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you’re a mom, dad, couple, grandparent, or simply someone ready to transform their lifestyle, our doors are open to you.

Join us for a 7-day free trial gym pass and experience the difference firsthand!

☎️ 0416 243 464

#FitnessCommunity #TopEquipment #PersonalTraining #FitnessJourney #privategym #gymnorthernbeaches

💪 Push Your Limits, See Your Results! 💪

If you want to see real changes, you’ve got to train hard! Here @5starphysiquefitness we live by the motto: “No shortcuts. Just hard work.” It’s about pushing past your comfort zone, challenging your limits, and sweating a little more each session.

🚀 Why train hard? Because every extra rep, every additional minute, and every bead of sweat brings you one step closer to your goals. Whether you’re looking to build strength, lose weight, or improve your overall fitness, intensity is key.

🏋️‍♂️ But remember, it’s not just about pushing yourself—it’s about pushing yourself safely and smartly. Listen to your body, maintain proper form, and always keep your goals in sight.

🔥 Let’s fire up those workouts and transform not just your body, but your mindset. You’re stronger than you think! Who’s ready to ramp up their training today and make those results happen?

#TrainHard #GetResults #NoExcuses #FitnessJourney #PushYourLimits #SweatItOut #GymLife #personaltraining #onlinecoaching #boutiquegym

Helping you to achieve your goals and dreams

We are so proud of all our clients

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